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كوب ورق القهوة القديم القابل للإستخدام مرة واحدة الأكمام العازلة الحرارية الإبداعية حامل كوب المموجات مكبلة مع طباعة الشعار

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فلسفة شركة شينيونجان:العميل أولاً، الثقة أولاً

أرسل لنا استفسار للحصول على كاملشائع في 2021العناصركتالوجالأسعار.
نحن نقدمالتصاميم الحرةوعينات مجانية.
غطاء كوب قهوة من الورق
اسم العلامة التجارية
1)ورق الكرافت الأبيض
2) ورق الكرافت البني
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مخصصة، 4 أوقية إلى 24 أوقية متاحة
يعتمد على بنية المواد والحجم ومتطلبات الطباعة والكمية
الحد الأدنى للطلب
10000 كمية صغيرة قابل للتداول
مواصفات التعبئة
500 قطعة/صندوق؛ 1000 قطعة/صندوق؛ 1500 قطعة/صندوق؛ 2000 قطعة/صندوق
البنود المدفوعة
50٪ مقدماً، الرصيد قبل الشحن، الاتحاد الغربي، الباي بال، د/ب، ضمان التجارة
توف، فسك
المنتج الأول المعتمد مقبول، التصميم المخصص مرحب به
طباعة مرنة أو حسب الطلب
Disposable Tea coffee <a class='inkey' style='color:blue' href='xyadlp/paper-cup' target='_blank'>Paper cup</a> Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing factory
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing manufacture
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing details
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing details
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing factory
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing supplier
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing supplier
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing details
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing supplier
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing manufacture
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing factory
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing factory
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing manufacture
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing factory
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing details
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing details
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing factory
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing details
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing details
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing supplier
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing manufacture
Disposable Tea coffee paper cup Sleeves Creative thermal insulation thickened corrugated cup holder With logo printing supplier
أرسل لنا استفسار للحصول على الكتالوجات الكاملة وأكثر الأسعار تنافسية. نحن نقدم تصاميم مجانية وعينات مجانية

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