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بيع ساخن زجاجة عصير بي تي مع غطاء زجاجة شاي بوبا واضحة للشرب البارد DIY 350ML 550ML

وصف المنتج
كأس بلاستيكي قابل للتصرف
تغليف بالفقاعات
نوع البلاستيك
360 مل ، 400 مل ، 450 مل ، 500 مل ، 600 مل ، 700 مل
12 أوقية ، 14 أوقية ، 15 أوقية ، 16 أوقية ، 20 أوقية ، 24 أوقية ، لمقاسات إضافية ، يرجى التواصل معنا
درجة الحرارة
ISO9001، QS
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML details
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML manufacture
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML supplier
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML manufacture
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML supplier
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML supplier
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML factory
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML manufacture
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Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML supplier
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML details
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML manufacture
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML factory
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML factory
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML factory
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML factory
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML factory
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Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML manufacture
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Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML supplier
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Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML factory
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