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كوب مشروب بارد PET

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Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass

أكواب جزء بلاستيكية مع أغطية ، أكواب سوفليه ، أكواب بهار جيلو شوت مع غطاء زجاج بلاستيكي شفاف

منتوج وصف

هذه مجموعة من أكواب بلاستيكية شفافة 25 قطعة ، وهي رائعة مثل أكواب السلطة وأكواب البودينغ وأكواب الآيس كريم. أفضل تصميم حديث ،
سيعرض البلاستيك الشفاف الممتاز الحلويات المفضلة لديك. تصميمه البسيط يجعله مثاليا لمجموعة متنوعة من الحلويات ،
إضافة رائعة إلى المقهى الخاص بك ، موقف الامتياز ، مطعم الوجبات السريعة.


- اللون: كما هو موضح.
- المادة: ص.
- الحجم: حوالي 9.5 × 9.5 × 6.4 سم.
- مصنوع من مادة PP متينة فائقة الوضوح ، الوعاء لا يمتص السائل ومقاوم للتشقق.
- تصميم عصري متطور يعزز مظهر الحلويات دون عناء. صغر حجمها يجعلها رائعة للحلويات الغنية أو
أجزاء أصغر.
- متين ومقاوم للتشقق ولكنه خفيف الوزن. تصميم واضح للغاية يجعل المحتوى جذابا.
- استخدام مثالي لأي نوع من المشروبات الباردة مثل الحلويات ذات الطبقات ، البارفيه ، الموس ، جرعات الجيلي ، البودنغ ، المقبلات ، الفاكهة
السلطات والمقبلات وغير ذلك الكثير.
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass manufacture
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass manufacture
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass manufacture
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass factory
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass factory
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass supplier
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass manufacture
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass manufacture
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass supplier
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass supplier
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass supplier
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass supplier
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass supplier

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