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PP vstrekovací sklenice

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32 oz ovocný džus plastový boba plastový pohár s víkem a rukávem velké kapacity tvrdé PP pitné šálky

Popis výrobku

velkoobchodní vlastní velikost 700 ml 1000 ml přenosný ovocný džus plastový bublinkový čajový šálek s mlékem
plast, PP
700 ml 1000 ml
U tvaru nebo na míru
Mléčný čaj,káva, šťáva atd.
Balené do kartonu, vnitřní s polybag
Volný vzorek
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups manufacture
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups factory
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups manufacture
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups manufacture
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
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