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PET pohár pro studené nápoje

úvodní stránka > Produkty > PET pohár pro studené nápoje

Plastová láhev na džus s víky prokazujícími manipulaci, lahev na Boba čaj, PP/PET

Popis výrobku
Jednorázový plastový kelímek
Typ plastu
360ml , 400ml , 450ml , 500ml, 600ml, 700ml
12oz, 14oz, 15oz, 16oz, 20oz, 24oz, pro další velikosti, prosím kontaktujte nás
ISO9001, QS
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET factory
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET factory
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET factory
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET factory
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET details
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET factory
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET details
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET manufacture
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET manufacture
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET factory
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET details
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET details
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET details
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET supplier
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET details
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET supplier
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET factory
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET details
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET supplier
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET factory
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET supplier
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET details
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET factory
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET factory
Plastic juice bottle with temper-evident Screw caps Boba tea bottle For Drink beverages PP/PET factory
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