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Biologicky rozložitelné obaly

úvodní stránka > Produkty > Biologicky rozložitelné obaly

XYA Jednorazový občerstvení z smaženého kuřeteho ovocného salátu, nápoje, nápoje, nápoje, nápoje, nápoje, nápoje, nápoje, nápoje, nápoje, nápoje, nápoje, nápoje, nápoje, nápoje, nápoje, nápoje, nápoje, nápoje, ná

Popis výrobku
poloautomatický stroj na foukání lahví pro domácí zvířata, stroj na výrobu lahví, stroj na tvarování lahví, stroj na výrobu lahví, vhodný pro výrobu plastových nádob a lahví pro domácí zvířata všech tvarů.
360 ml 500 ml 600 ml 700 ml
ploché dno, u-dno
je k dispozici k objednávání samostatně
700 ml
černá průhledná
je k dispozici k objednávání samostatně
kryt podložky
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw factory
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw factory
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw supplier
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw supplier
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw manufacture
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw manufacture
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw factory
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw manufacture
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw supplier
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw factory
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw factory
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw manufacture
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw supplier
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw manufacture
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw supplier
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw factory
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw factory
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