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Coupe de moulage par injection en PP

page d'accueil  > Produits > Coupe de moulage par injection en PP

32 oz de jus de fruits en plastique copain en plastique boba avec couvercle et poignée grande capacité tasses de boisson en pp dur

Description du produit

gros de personnalisé plus taille 700ml 1000ml portable jus de fruits plastique bouteille de thé au lait
plastique, PP
700 ml 1000 ml
en forme de u ou sur mesure
Thé au lait, café, jus, etc.
Emballé dans un carton, à l'intérieur avec un polybag
Échantillon gratuit
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups manufacture
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups factory
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups manufacture
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups manufacture
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
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