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Emballages biodégradables

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XYA Disposable à emporter Poulet frit Salade de fruits Plateau à collation avec couvercle et tasse à thé au lait de boisson Tasse en plastique PP avec paille

Description du produit
Machine de soufflage de bouteilles PET semi-automatique Machine de fabrication de bouteilles Machine de moulage de bouteilles La machine de fabrication de bouteilles en PET est adaptée à la production de conteneurs et de bouteilles en plastique PET de toutes formes.
les coupes
360 ml 500 ml 600 ml 700 ml Pour les produits chimiques
fond plat, fond en U
disponible à la commande séparée
plateau à collations
700 ml
noir transparent
disponible à la commande séparée
couvercle de plateau
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw factory
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw factory
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw supplier
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw supplier
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw manufacture
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw manufacture
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw factory
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw manufacture
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw supplier
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw factory
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw factory
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw manufacture
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw supplier
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw manufacture
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw supplier
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw factory
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw factory
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