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PET hidegitalpohar

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Szabványos LOGO Nyomtatott tiszta egyszeri használatos műanyag PET Jég Kávés Zsír Tejszál Boba Tej Bubble Tea Cup fedővel

Egyszer használatos műanyag pohár
A folyamat
Plasztik típusa
360 ml, 400 ml, 450 ml, 500 ml, 600 ml, 700 ml
12oz, 14oz, 15oz, 16oz, 20oz, 24oz, több méretért kérjük, lépjen kapcsolatba velünk
-10°C ~ 120°C
ISO9001, QS
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids supplier
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids details
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids details
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids supplier
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids factory
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids supplier
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids details
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids manufacture
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids factory
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids supplier
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids factory
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids factory
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids factory
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids manufacture
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids manufacture
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids details
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids details
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids factory
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids details
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids supplier
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids details
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids manufacture
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids details
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids supplier
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids details
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids details
Custom LOGO Printed Clear Disposable Plastic PET Ice Coffee Juice Milkshake Boba Milk Bubble Tea Cup With lids supplier
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