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PET hidegitalpohar

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Xya egyszer használatos kedvtelésből készült átlátszó műanyag kreatív hideg teás üveg gyümölcslé teás üveg fedellel

egyszeri felhasználásra alkalmas műanyag poharak
A folyamat
műanyag típus
300 ml, 400 ml, 500 ml.
10oz, 12oz, 16oz több méretű, kérjük, lépjen kapcsolatba velünk
-10°C ~ 120°C
ISO9001, qs
XYA disposable pet transparent plastic creative cold tea bottle Fruit juice tea bottle with lid factory
XYA disposable pet transparent plastic creative cold tea bottle Fruit juice tea bottle with lid supplier
XYA disposable pet transparent plastic creative cold tea bottle Fruit juice tea bottle with lid factory
XYA disposable pet transparent plastic creative cold tea bottle Fruit juice tea bottle with lid supplier
XYA disposable pet transparent plastic creative cold tea bottle Fruit juice tea bottle with lid manufacture
XYA disposable pet transparent plastic creative cold tea bottle Fruit juice tea bottle with lid supplier
XYA disposable pet transparent plastic creative cold tea bottle Fruit juice tea bottle with lid factory
XYA disposable pet transparent plastic creative cold tea bottle Fruit juice tea bottle with lid manufacture
XYA disposable pet transparent plastic creative cold tea bottle Fruit juice tea bottle with lid supplier
XYA disposable pet transparent plastic creative cold tea bottle Fruit juice tea bottle with lid manufacture
XYA disposable pet transparent plastic creative cold tea bottle Fruit juice tea bottle with lid manufacture
XYA disposable pet transparent plastic creative cold tea bottle Fruit juice tea bottle with lid factory
XYA disposable pet transparent plastic creative cold tea bottle Fruit juice tea bottle with lid factory
XYA disposable pet transparent plastic creative cold tea bottle Fruit juice tea bottle with lid manufacture
XYA disposable pet transparent plastic creative cold tea bottle Fruit juice tea bottle with lid supplier
XYA disposable pet transparent plastic creative cold tea bottle Fruit juice tea bottle with lid details
XYA disposable pet transparent plastic creative cold tea bottle Fruit juice tea bottle with lid manufacture
XYA disposable pet transparent plastic creative cold tea bottle Fruit juice tea bottle with lid supplier
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