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PET hidegitalpohar

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XYA Nagykereskedelmi PET-lé palack, hideg italra való tiszta négyzetes Boba tea palack

Egyszer használatos műanyag pohár
A folyamat
Plasztik típusa
360 ml, 400 ml, 450 ml, 500 ml, 600 ml, 700 ml
12oz, 14oz, 15oz, 16oz, 20oz, 24oz, több méretért kérjük, lépjen kapcsolatba velünk
-10°C ~ 120°C
ISO9001, QS
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink details
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink manufacture
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink factory
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink details
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink factory
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink manufacture
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink supplier
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink supplier
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink manufacture
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink manufacture
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink details
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink factory
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink details
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink details
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink manufacture
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink supplier
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink supplier
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink details
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink details
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink supplier
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink factory
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink supplier
XYA Wholesale PET juice bottle with temper-evident caps Clear Square Boba tea bottle for Cold Drink supplier
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