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Cangkir Cetakan Injeksi PP

Rumah >  Produk >  Cangkir Cetakan Injeksi PP

Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder

Cangkir hotpot sekali pakai camilan cangkir teh susu dengan tempat cangkir plastik hitam

Deskripsi Produk
Mesin Peniup Botol PET Semi-Otomatis Mesin Pembuat Botol Mesin Cetak Botol Mesin Pembuat Botol PET cocok untuk memproduksi wadah dan botol plastik PET dalam segala bentuk.
360ML 500ML 600ML 700ML
Bagian bawah datar, bagian bawah U
Tersedia untuk dipesan secara terpisah
Baki Makanan Ringan
700 ML
Hitam transparan
Tersedia untuk dipesan secara terpisah
Tutup baki
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder factory
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder details
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder factory
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder manufacture
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder manufacture
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder details
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder manufacture
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder details
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder details
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder factory
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder details
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder factory
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder factory
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder manufacture
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder details
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier

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