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cangkir kertas dinding tunggal

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Harga pabrik untuk pergi cangkir kertas sekali pakai kopi panas cangkir kertas koko dengan lengan kertas kraft

Deskripsi produk
cangkir kopi kertas
Kertas cangkir kelas makanan & kartu putih, 190gm - 350gm.
14gm-20gm pe & pla coating. sisi tunggal & ganda.
tergantung pada struktur material, ukuran, kebutuhan cetak dan kuantitas.
4oz, 6oz, 8oz, 10oz, 12oz, 14oz, 16oz, 20oz, 22oz, 24oz, 26oz 32oz, ukuran lain juga tersedia.
Biasacangkir kertas; dinding tunggal & ganda; cangkir gelombang;
cangkir es krim; cangkir popcorn; dengan gagang/tutup/sleeve; bentuk kipas angin, dll.
cetak offset atau flexo, tinta kelas makanan untuk melindungi kesehatan Anda,
desain grafis yang tersedia.
500 pcs/karton atau 1000 pcs/karton;
kami menerima logo khusus. moq 10.000 buah / desain.
Waktu sampel
7 hari.
waktu pengiriman
10-20 hari setelah pesanan dan sampel dikonfirmasi.
kirimkan pertanyaan dan dapatkan katalog lengkap dan harga yang paling kompetitif.
Kami menawarkan desain gratis dan sampel gratis.
kirimkan pertanyaan dan dapatkan katalog lengkap dan harga yang paling kompetitif.
Kami menawarkan desain gratis dan sampel gratis.
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve supplier
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve manufacture
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve supplier
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve details
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve factory
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve factory
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve details
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve details
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve supplier
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve factory
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve manufacture
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve details
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve details
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve manufacture
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve supplier
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve supplier
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve details
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve supplier
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve manufacture
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve supplier
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve supplier
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve details
Factory price to go disposable paper cup hot coffee cocoa paper cup with kraft paper sleeve factory
Kirim pertanyaan dan dapatkan katalog lengkap dan harga yang paling kompetitif. Kami menawarkan desain gratis dan sampel gratis.

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