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Kemasan yang dapat terurai secara biologis

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XYA sekali pakai untuk dibawa-keluar ayam goreng salad buah Snick Tray dengan tutup dan minum susu cangkir teh plastik PP cangkir dengan jerami

Deskripsi Produk
Mesin Peniup Botol PET Semi-Otomatis Mesin Pembuat Botol Mesin Cetak BotolMesin Pembuat Botol PET cocok untuk memproduksi wadah dan botol plastik PET dalam segala bentuk.
360 ml 500 ml 600 ml 700 ml
dasar datar, dasar u
tersedia untuk dipesan secara terpisah
Piring makanan ringan
700 ml
hitam transparan
tersedia untuk dipesan secara terpisah
tutup baki
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw manufacture
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw factory
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw supplier
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw supplier
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw supplier
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw manufacture
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw supplier
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw supplier
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw manufacture
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw manufacture
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw factory
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw supplier
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw manufacture
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw manufacture
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw details
XYA Disposable Take-out Fried Chicken Fruit Salad Snack Tray with Lid And Drinking Milk Tea Cup Plastic PP Cup with Straw manufacture
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