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Coppa per bevande fredde in PET

homepage  > Prodotti > Coppa per bevande fredde in PET

Bottiglia di succo di PET a vendita calda con coperchio Bottiglia di tè Boba chiara per bevande fredde fai da te 350ML 550ML

Descrizione del prodotto
tazza di plastica usa e getta
Tipo di plastica
360 ml, 400 ml, 450 ml, 500 ml, 600 ml, 700 ml
12oz, 14oz, 15oz, 16oz, 20oz, 24oz, per altre taglie, contattateci
iso9001, qs
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML details
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML manufacture
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML supplier
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML manufacture
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML supplier
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML supplier
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML factory
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML manufacture
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML supplier
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML supplier
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML details
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML manufacture
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML factory
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML factory
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML factory
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML factory
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML factory
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML supplier
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML manufacture
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML supplier
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML supplier
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML supplier
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML factory
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML factory
Hot sell PET juice bottle with Lid Clear Boba tea bottle For DIY Cold Drink 350ML 550ML supplier
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