모든 카테고리

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PP 주사형 컵

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제품 설명
반자동 PET 병 블로잉 기계 병 제조 기계 병 성형 기계 PET 병 제조 기계는 모든 형태의 PET 플라스틱 용기와 병을 생산하는 데 적합합니다.
360ml 500ml 600ml 700ml
평평한 바닥, U 바닥
개별 주문 가능
스냅스 트레이
검정 투명
개별 주문 가능
트레이 뚜
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder factory
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder details
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder factory
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder manufacture
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder manufacture
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder details
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder manufacture
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder details
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder details
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder factory
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder details
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder factory
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder factory
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder manufacture
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder details
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
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