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생물분해 가능한 포장재

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완전 생분해성 커피백 로고가 있는 테이크어웨이 밀크티백

제품 설명
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos factory
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos factory
식품 포장 가방
필요에 따라
크래프트 종이
플렉소 인쇄
맞춤형 포장 방법
최소 주문 수량
샘플 시간
배송 시간
양에 따라, 12일
결제 조건
30% 보증금, 70% 잔액 지불 원본 b/l에 따라
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos supplier
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos supplier
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos manufacture
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos supplier
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos supplier
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos details
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos supplier
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos manufacture
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos factory
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos details
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos supplier
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos supplier
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos manufacture
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos factory
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos supplier
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos details
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos details
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos manufacture
Fully biodegradable coffee bags Takeaway milk tea bags with logos supplier
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