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PET 냉음 음료 컵

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뚜이 있는 플라스틱 포션 컵, 수플레 컵, 젤로 샷 향신료 컵 뚜이 있는 투명한 플라스틱 유리

제품 설명

이것은 샐러드 컵, 푸딩 컵 등으로 훌륭한 25개 플라스틱 투명 컵 세트입니다.아이스크림 컵최고의 현대적 디자인,
프리미엄 결정 투명한 플라스틱으로 좋아하는 디저트를 선보일 수 있습니다.
카페, 콩쿠르 랜드, 패스트푸드 레스토랑에 좋은 추가로


- 색상: 그림과 같습니다.
- 재료: pp.
- 크기는 9.5cm x 9.5cm x 6.4cm 정도입니다.
- 초명료 탄력성 pp 물질로 만들어져 액체를 흡수하지 않고 균열에 저항합니다.
- 현대적인 정교한 디자인은 쉽게 디저트의 외관을 향상시킵니다. 작은 크기는 더 풍부한 디저트 또는
작은 양을 먹어
- 내구성 있고 균열에 저항하지만 가벼운 무게입니다.
- 모든 종류의 차가운 음료에 적합합니다. 상층 디저트, 파리페이트, 모스, 젤로 샷, 푸딩, 오프티저, 과일
샐러드, 오프스 드 어브, 그리고 더 많은 것들이 있습니다.
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass manufacture
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass manufacture
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass manufacture
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass factory
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass factory
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass supplier
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass manufacture
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass manufacture
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass supplier
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass supplier
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass supplier
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass supplier
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass details
Plastic Portion Cups With Lids, Souffle Cups, Jello Shot Condiment Cups with Lid Clear Plastic glass supplier
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