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PP Injection Molding Cup

halaman utama  > Produk > PP Injection Molding Cup

32oz jus buah plastik boba cawan plastik dengan tudung dan memegang besar kapasiti keras pp cawan minum

Penerangan Produk

borong saiz besar tersuai 700ml 1000ml cawan teh susu gelembung jus buah mudah alih
plastik, pp
700ml 1000ml
U bentuk atau disesuaikan
Teh susu,kopi, jus dan lain-lain
Dikemas dalam kadbod, dalaman dengan beg poli
Sampel percuma
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups manufacture
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups factory
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups manufacture
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups manufacture
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
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