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Pembungkusan Biodegradable

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Logo tersuai Boleh terbiodegradasi Jus Kopi Kraft Sekali kali Kertas penebat haba Set cawan lengan cawan

Penerangan Produk

Kirimkan kami pertanyaan dan dapatkan maklumat lengkapPopular 2021Barangankatalog denganHarga.
Kami menawarkanReka bentuk bebasdanSampel percuma.
Seluar cangkir kopi kertas
Nama Jenama
1)Kertas kraft putih
2)Kertas kraft coklat
3) kertas ofset
4)Kertas tahan lemak
5) kertas lilin
6) kertas foil
7) kertas dua lapisan atau kertas berlapis
Disediakan 4oz-24oz
bergantung kepada struktur bahan, saiz, keperluan percetakan dan kuantiti
1000, kuantiti kecil boleh diniagakan
spesifikasi pembungkusan
500 pcs/karton; 1000 pcs/karton; 1500 pcs/karton; 2000 pcs/karton
item pembayaran
50% t/t terlebih dahulu, baki sebelum penghantaran, kesatuan barat, paypal, d/p, jaminan perdagangan
tuv, fsc
Reka Bentuk
OEM boleh diterima, reka bentuk tersuai dialu-alukan
percetakan flexo atau seperti yang diminta
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Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves details
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves details
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves details
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves factory
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves factory
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves supplier
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves supplier
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves factory
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves factory
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves manufacture
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves manufacture
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves details
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves details
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves supplier
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves manufacture
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves factory
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves details
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves factory
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves details
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves manufacture
Custom logo Be biodegradable One time Kraft Coffee juice Heat insulation paper Cup set cup sleeves manufacture
Hantar kami pertanyaan dan mendapatkan katalog penuh dan harga yang paling kompetitif. Kami menawarkan reka bentuk percuma dan sampel percuma.

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