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PP Injection Molding Cup

halaman utama  > Produk > PP Injection Molding Cup

cawan hotpot sekali pakai cawan teh susu makanan ringan dengan pemegang cawan plastik hitam

Penerangan Produk
mesin meniup botol haiwan kesayangan mesin pembuatan botol mesin cetakan botol mesin pembuatan botol haiwan kesayangan sesuai untuk menghasilkan bekas plastik dan botol haiwan kesayangan dalam semua bentuk.
360ml 500ml 600ml 700ml
bahagian bawah rata, bahagian bawah u
boleh dipesan secara berasingan
Tray makanan ringan
700 ml
hitam telus
boleh dipesan secara berasingan
penutup dulang
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Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder details
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder factory
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder manufacture
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder manufacture
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder details
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder manufacture
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder details
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder details
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder factory
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder details
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder factory
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder factory
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder manufacture
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder details
Disposable hotpot cup snack milk tea cup with black plastic cup holder supplier
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