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Cangkir Kertas dinding berganda

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Penyesuaian MOQ Rendah Cawan Kopi Kertas Dinding Berganda dengan Penutup, Jual terus dari kilang cawan hitam untuk teh dan kopi

Penerangan Produk

Kualiti tidak akan menjadi masalah dari barisan pengeluaran terbaik kami.
Pasukan profesional dan bijak akan memastikan anda pengalaman membeli yang agak menyenangkan.

Perkhidmatan yang paling pantas dan mesra pasukan jualan kami akan memenuhi setiap keperluan anda.

Produk kami diletakkan dalam reka bentuk percetakan yang dikemas kini, tetapi juga menyediakan ruang papan iklan yang hebat untuk mempamerkan logo atau mesej tersuai anda.

Selepas Jualan
Kami sentiasa mengkaji semula konsep pembungkusan baru dan inovatif dengan pelanggan kami untuk menentukan apa cara yang paling murah dan paling berkesan untuk membungkus produk mereka.

Kirimkan kami pertanyaan dan dapatkan maklumat lengkapPopular 2021Barangankatalog denganHarga.
Kami menawarkanReka bentuk bebasdanSampel percuma.
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall <a class='inkey' style='color:blue' href='xyadlp/paper-coffee-cups' target='_blank'>Paper Coffee Cups</a> with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee details
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee factory
Kertas cawan gred makanan & kad putih, 160gm - 400gm.
Lapisan 14gsm-20gsm pe & pla. satu & dua sisi.
2oz, 3oz, 4oz, 5oz, 7oz, 8oz, 9oz, 10oz, 11oz, 12oz, 13oz, 14oz, 15oz, 16oz, 20oz, 22oz, 24oz, 26oz saiz lain juga tersedia.
BiasaCangkir kertas; dinding tunggal & ganda; cawan beralun;
cawan ais krim; cawan popcorn; dengan pemegang/tutup/lilit; bentuk kipas, dll.
percetakan offset atau flexo, dakwat gred makanan untuk melindungi kesihatan anda,
sebarang reka bentuk grafik yang ada.
Reka Bentuk
Perkhidmatan OEM dan ODM.
Minuman sejuk, minuman panas, cawan ais krim,Cangkir sup, Popcorn.
Pengemasan pukal; pengemasan dengan bungkus mengecil;atau seperti yang anda minta.
50,000 keping / reka bentuk.
Masa sampel
7-15 hari.
Masa penghantaran
30-45 hari selepas pesanan dan sampel disahkan.
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee supplier
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee factory
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee supplier
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee manufacture
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee manufacture
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee details
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee manufacture
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee factory
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee factory
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee factory
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee supplier
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee manufacture
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee manufacture
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee factory
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee supplier
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee factory
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee details
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee factory
Low MOQ Customization Double Wall Paper Coffee Cups with Lid,Factory Direct Sell black cups for tea and coffee supplier
Hantar kami pertanyaan dan mendapatkan katalog penuh dan harga yang paling kompetitif. Kami menawarkan reka bentuk percuma dan sampel percuma.

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