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Cangkir Kertas dinding berganda

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Grosir Satu Kali Pakai Mengambil cangkir kertas kopi panas dengan logo percetakan tersuai

Penerangan Produk
cawan kopi kertas
Kertas cawan gred makanan & kad putih, 190gm - 350gm.
Lapisan 14gsm-20gsm pe & pla. satu & dua sisi.
bergantung kepada struktur bahan, saiz, keperluan percetakan dan kuantiti.
4oz, 6oz, 8oz, 10oz, 12oz, 14oz, 16oz, 20oz, 22oz, 24oz, 26oz 32oz, saiz lain juga boleh didapati.
BiasaCangkir kertas; dinding tunggal & ganda; cawan beralun;
cawan ais krim; cawan popcorn; dengan pemegang/tutup/lilit; bentuk kipas, dll.
percetakan offset atau flexo, dakwat gred makanan untuk melindungi kesihatan anda,
sebarang reka bentuk grafik yang ada.
500 pcs/karton atau 1000 pcs/karton;
Kami menerima logo khusus. MOQ 10,000 keping / reka bentuk.
Masa sampel
7 hari.
Masa penghantaran
10-20 hari selepas pesanan dan sampel disahkan.
hantar kami pertanyaan dan mendapatkan katalog penuh dan harga yang paling kompetitif.
Kami menawarkan reka bentuk percuma dan sampel percuma.
hantar kami pertanyaan dan mendapatkan katalog penuh dan harga yang paling kompetitif.
Kami menawarkan reka bentuk percuma dan sampel percuma.
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing manufacture
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing manufacture
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing manufacture
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing factory
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing manufacture
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing factory
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing details
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing details
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing factory
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing details
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing manufacture
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing manufacture
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing factory
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing factory
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing details
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing manufacture
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing details
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing manufacture
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing supplier
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing supplier
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing manufacture
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing factory
Wholesale Disposable Take Away Hot Coffee Paper Cups With Customized Logo Printing manufacture
Hantar kami pertanyaan dan mendapatkan katalog penuh dan harga yang paling kompetitif. Kami menawarkan reka bentuk percuma dan sampel percuma.

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