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32 унции фруктового сока пластиковой боба пластиковой чашки с крышкой и ручкой большой вместимости твердые pp чашки для питья

Описание продукта

оптом по заказу плюс размер 700 мл 1000 мл портативный фруктовый сок пластиковый пузырь молочный чайник
пластик, пп
700 мл 1000 мл
с формой u или на заказ
Молочный чай, кофе, сок и т.д.
упаковано в картонную коробку, внутри с полибаком
Бесплатный образец
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups manufacture
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups factory
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups manufacture
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups manufacture
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups details
32oz fruit juice plastic Boba Plastic cup with lid and handle large capacity Hard PP drinking cups supplier
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