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Ripple Duvar Kağıdı Kupası

anasayfa  > Ürünler > Ripple Duvar Kağıdı Kupası

Fabrika fiyatı 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall çift duvarlı tek duvarlı Çin fabrikasından özel logo ile Kağıt Kupa

Ürün Açıklaması
Kafe bardak kağıt
Gıda kalitesi bardak kağıdı ve beyaz kart, 160 gram - 400 gram.
14 gsm-20 gsm PE ve PLA kaplama. Tek ve çift taraflı.
Malzeme yapısına, boyutuna, baskı gereksinimine ve miktarına bağlı.
2oz, 3oz, 4oz, 5oz, 7oz, 8oz, 9oz, 10oz, 11oz, 12oz, 13oz, 14oz, 15oz, 16oz, 20oz, 22oz, 24oz, 26oz diğer boyutlar da mevcut.
DüzenliKağıt bardakTek ve çift duvarlı; Ripple bardak;
dondurma bardağı; patlamış mısır bardağı; sap/kapak/koltuk; fan şekli vb.
Ofset veya flexo baskı, sağlığınızı korumak için gıda kalitesi mürekkep,
mevcut grafik tasarımlar.
500pcs/karton; 1000pcs/karton; 1500pcs/karton; 2000pcs/karton
10.000 parça/tasarım.
Örnek zaman
7 gün.
Teslimat süresi
Sipariş ve numuneler onaylandıktan sonra 10-30 gün.
Bize bir soru gönderin ve tam kataloglar ve en rekabetçi fiyatları alın.
Ücretsiz tasarım ve ücretsiz örnekler sunuyoruz.
Bize bir soru gönderin ve tam kataloglar ve en rekabetçi fiyatları alın.
Ücretsiz tasarım ve ücretsiz örnekler sunuyoruz.
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  <a class='inkey' style='color:blue' href='single-wall-paper-cup451' target='_blank'>Single Wall Paper Cup</a> with customized logo from China factory supplier
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory supplier
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory factory
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory manufacture
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory supplier
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory supplier
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory manufacture
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory details
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory supplier
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory manufacture
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory supplier
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory supplier
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory details
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory manufacture
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory manufacture
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory details
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory supplier
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory manufacture
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory details
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory factory
factory price 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz Ripple Wall double wall  single wall Paper Cup with customized logo from China factory manufacture
Bize bir soru gönderin ve tam katalogları ve en rekabetçi fiyatları alın. Ücretsiz tasarım ve ücretsiz örnek sunuyoruz.

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